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Our Faith

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 St. Thomas School the Apostle Catholic School, empowered by the traditions of our Faith,  provides a Christ-centered Catholic education that inspires academic excellence, gratitude and service.

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Who We Are

Here you will begin to discover our friendly and inclusive community where students, families, teachers , and staff all come together, creating an exceptional environment in which students truly thrive. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School is committed to helping more children to receive a Catholic Education!

Who We Are

Our students are a mirror image of the diverse world in which we live. Our curriculum delivery reflects the need to be responsible, informed problem solvers as a team player in a world in need of Christian evangelization.

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Mission Statement

The mission of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School, in union with our parish, is to form disciples of Jesus Christ who show reverence for the Eucharist, embody virtuous behavior, live out Gospel values, and pursue academic excellence.